31 diciembre, 2019 por
Odoo WebService

«Therefore, by their fruits you will know them» Matthew 7:20.

MAN DECIDED to open a fish market and put a sign in front of his establishment that said, «Fresh fish sold here.» However, when a friend passed by to visit him, he said, «You can erase the word ‘here’ from the sign because it is not necessary. It is evident that the fish is sold here. Where else could it be?’

The man followed the advice of his friend and took the adverb of place out of the sign. Now it said, «Fresh fish sold.»

Some days later, another friend came to visit him, and he made the following observation: «Listen, the word ‘fresh’ is unnecessary in your sign, because if the fish you sell were not fresh, what sense would there be in selling it?’

The man accepted this suggestion as well and took the word «fresh» out of the market’s sign. Now it said, «Fish sold.»

Days later, a client commented: «Why have you put the word ‘sold’ in the sign? If this is an establishment open to the public and the only one thing you have is fish, it is obvious that it is for sale. What else could it be for?’

Thus, the owner of the fish market decided to eliminate the word “sold» from the sign. Now it simply said, «Fish.»

Finally, a lady arrived who said to him, «Friend, why do you need a sign that says, ‘Fish’? As soon as a person comes around the corner, the whole street smells of fish. It is obvious that what you are selling here is fish, so you don’t need any sign to say it.»

Tell me, friend, do you need a sign that says what you are, or just by watching you, even in a relationship that is not very close, is it obvious that you smell of Christianity? What you say; what you do; your way of thinking, being, reacting, working—do these speak for you, or do you need someone to explain and justify the incoherencies between what you say you are and what you are? Being a Christian is not dressing elegantly one day of the week to go to church; being a Christian is living each day connected to God in such a way that the Holy Spirit works in you.

The word «Christian» has lost value because of the type of witness we Christians sometimes give. That if we decide to vindicate it with our lives, to do right by the One whose name gives us our own? That is my desire for you every day of the year that begins today.


Take From: Daily Devotions for Women’s 2020
«One Day at a Time»
From: Patricia Muñoz Bertozzi
Collaborators: Lorina Maya & Magda Sanz

Odoo WebService 31 de diciembre de 2019

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